Jul 21, 2009

Yarindan itibaren baslayarak 3.5 hafta boyunda tatildeyim.. Dolayisi ile sizler bu resimle idare ederken bendeniz gercegini yasiyor olacagim. Hayatimda uzun suredir bu kadar kesintisiz tatil planim olmadigindan Arap Kadri karakteri kadar siyah olmayi dusunuyorum...
Hepinize keyifli bir yaz araligi dilerim.
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Jul 14, 2009

lisbon downtown

The first impression within the 8 hours it looks not different then where i grew up but little bit more older buildings, more colored people, sometimes cool new design buildings... language to communicate mostly issue in a city where quite alot tourists! Lunch destination was not the best it took us 20 minutes to order due to poor service let's hope it will be improving with next trials.. so far weather is great and feeling as if at home.. Can't complain! with cello some crazy ideas for remarkable marketing if we can make it happen will be a great fun for everyone.. Ocean museum at Vasco de Gamma was estonishing photos will follow up later..